Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Melb trip during swine flu attacks!!

Today the result is out but for my course, most results onli out when uni starts..argh..i hope to check it by today even though it may turn out bad.. I had been slacking alot in this short two weeks holiday le..Basically i had been slacking alot in this short two weeks holiday even though i shud be working on my assignment which is due on next friday..oh yin yin..u shud definitely get started le!

haha..okie..when 2nd sem starts, i shud really get motivated and study CONSISTENTLY as this sem is the hardest sem with the heavy loads of units.. and also most seniors told me that they either failed or resit in this sem..Lord, i pray hard that i wont be the one!!
Okie, back to my post: Yes Melbourne trip!!


we reached in melb airport at 1.30pm and took a maxicab to Essendon DFO.. Shopping spree!!! but to my surprise, i hardly bought anything, onli a light pink beanie and a it that i lost interest in shopping or the sutffs at that moment really not appealing?? i hope for the latter one..hehe..i m happy as alicia told me that she likes the tops i chose for her..yeah!!

Dinner: we wanted to have dinner in spicy szechuan restaurant in chinatown but as there were 7 of us, we had to prebook first. so then we went to Sambal Kampung which served malaysia dishes..

i ordered Beef rendang and i regretted after few scoops as the heavy coconut taste made me very "jialat" even though the taste was not bad..i will not say this restaurant is good compared to others i had tried(of cos even worse if compared to msia ones) so this will not be my option again at my next visit to melb..

I am Not paranoid!!

The Beef rendang..
The view of melb from our apartment, Darling Tower!!

Posing outside of Supper INN

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