Monday, July 6, 2009

Some stuffs have to be settled asap..

Some stuffs have to be settled asap before it hurts ppl. some stuffs have to be made clear before it drags too long.. some stuffs have to be solved before it leads misunderstanding..

BUT, i am not good in this..i can do it very well in other way but not in this way..but since this is the way it wants, i will follow it..i dont know how the result will turn out to be, it may leave a hurtful remark, it may also be better than before, but at this moment i m really i am really not ready..seriously not ready for this..

All i can do now is to pray hard that the harm can be minimised to the optimum level and i deeply feel sorry for all the harms i made..i m truly sorry if it really hurts u alot..pls acept my deepest apologies..i dont mean it..

Lord, pls give me the wisdom in the talk later..pls...i need ur wisdom very much to say the right thing at the right time to the right person..

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