Thursday, July 9, 2009

Melb Trip 2!!!

Still 1st Day of melb:

After dinner in Sambal Kampung, we went to Crown Casino for a walk. Outside casino, there is a bridge where many couples spend their sweet moments together. But we the nosiy bunch of ppl had interupted this romantic area..hehe..must be a let down for the couple le..

Then we went to supper inn(which shown in previous post)..This small restaurant opens from 6pm till 5.30am if i m nt msitaken..their porridge are well known but the service not so good as each of us has to spend at least $10 for the meal..This is abit not fair as :Eh, supper time leh, how to eat so much?? somemore one big bowl of porridge costs onli $6.50 which means we have to add in more appetizers or drinks to reach the quota..It's weird le..Anyway, i think they have their own consideration too, if not many ppl will just hang around in the restaurant without eating much, and they wont be able to make a profit out of it.. Maybe they can lower to $5 each person??

We didnt gamble in casino but fooling around there..hehe.

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