Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My braces is so coool!!!

Ytd went to tighten my braces again and as usual it hurts alot, even when i bite the soft muffin and ice cream cone..oh..n today it hurts even more..

But wat to do?? i chose to have braces one..ai mei mah..hehe

But i found something very cool about my braces though.. which is the checkpoint in shopping malls will beeeeppp whenever i smile passing them..due to detection of the metal wires le..haha..how cool was that!!

Now i waiting for the college guys to come down for a jog and u guys are late!!! i woke up at 8 and had my breakfast d..i m gg to have lunch soon if u guys still not down in 10 minutes!! hehe..
p.s . Caleb n others, be more punctual lah!! hehe..

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