Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can you guess our characters???

Sherwin's Superhero Birthday Party!!!

Last sat was sherwin's birthday and interestingly he organised a superhero/cartoon character party in college and can see that everyone put great efforts in dressing up for this party..And a few even planned for quite some times and i really admire some of their creativeness in arts.. and the best dressed males and females definitely worth the applauses.Have a Look!! and be very amazed by their cool ideas!!

The group photos(Jason as the soccer mum stands out!!)

Two emo boys+phantom of opera+alice in wonderland +me(Tomb Raider)

Us selected for best dressed walk(i m the least qualified compared to them)

The Superman!!

Rambo with the three emo boys!!

The best dressed male, Spongebob!! So cool!!

The soccermum with The Red Riding Hood

The guys cant guess who i m trying to act but most gals got it!! Lara coft!!

My brother as Frankenstein.. and he kept this expression for most of the time!!


ケイレブ said...

Mum, it's Lara Croft. Not "coft" ;)

CCYY said...

Haha..okie..mum hasn't watch this movie before..but luckily still got some manage to guess my character..hehe..nt bad..muahahai m proud of it!!