Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Melb Trip (5) !!

The 3RD Day of Melb Trip:
I am a lousy blogger as this shud have been done ages ago..
Anyway, we didnt do much of travelling on 3rd day except shopping, eating and fooling around in melb city..hehe.
Me, caleb and anna decided to wake up earlier than the rest to shop in melb central where MYERS, David Jones located.. Basically me n caleb just followed wherever anna go in the whole morning and less than one hour she bought one sweater and another shirts if i am nt mistaken..Though i m a shopper too, i must really salute this gal who can forget bout eating when it comes to shop!!

In Melb central

Later at 10 something i started to feel grumpy as it had passed my brekkie time. So i called up the rest and asked them to wait for us in Shark Fin(Yum Cha) restaurant. We got there at 11am and it was just opened. This was my 3rd time visiting this dim sun restaurant, not that it is super good but becos it is near and convenient. I really wanted to visit other restaurants next time as i heard that boxhill or some other places serve better n cheaper dim sums..Generally, the dim sums was good if u craved for dim sums for too long and bad if u compared to malaysia ones.

Anna and YS have to catch a flight back to hobart and so the other five of us went to Smith Street where all the sport factory outlets located. We didnt spend much time there as 1) no big sales 2)i dont need any sport stuffs 3) the sports pretty outdated.

So we then went back to melb city and had bubble teas in a small cozy underground cafe. we took some silly photos and talked craps basically..haha..


Passed thru this shop which sold sushi burger

Suggested by andrew, we took many pictures in Fed square.. fooling around there again.. As if it is not enough, we continue our craps in a japanese restaurant called GIGI.. Finally i got to satisfy my cravings for sashimi and sushi..yeah!! Hobart really shud have more jap restaurants..
We spent more than 2 hours laughing and chatting there and even took a few videos there, Siao to the Max!! hehe..
After dinner, went to cinema and watch Angel And Demons which was quite good in my opinion. although many claimed that the book is nicer( which is always the case).. No regrets watching it..btw, if u watch late night movie in cinema here, noone will bother to check ur pass..there's onli staff at the counter sellign of cos honesty is important in aus here..

Final Day of Melb trip!!!
Woke up by anlan's annoying alarm clock as everyone else is too lazy to off it..Then tricked by andrew by hiding my onli boots in the drawers..argh!!!
Went to melb central again as the two boys want to get hair cut..Then proceeded to DFO by city circular bus..Didnt buy much there as was too tired and sleepy after four days of sleep deprived.
Waiting around in DFO till 4pm and took skybus to melb airport. The flight was delayed by one hour and finally my this short but fun-filled melb trip officially ended!! Yeah!!


samuel said... many food look good...i noe tis time,u geting fat...hehe...

CCYY said...

aiya!! u have more food than me le..i wan the salted egg prawns le..hehe