Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Roller coasters of my life...

Yeah!! finally finished the oral exam!! Anna asked me whether i did well or not.. I dunno how to answer as i dont know my answer correct or not.

After the test, i thought i did quite well but when i think deeper and revised back the ques, i m like : eh, i made msitakes here; oh no..mistakes in that area too..; oh..i remember the correc drug dosage now..; oh no..now onli i realised the drug interactions..

haha..i have so much doubts lah..So i decided not to think about it anymore . I shall instead focus on my BIG EXAM!! Just hope that the msitakes i made not too serious and my other answers will eb able to compensate the marks lost.. Yin Yin, U will be alright one!! U can do it!!

Okie back to my topic

Life is really like riding roller coaster. It is as challenging, unexpected, exciting, and full of surprises. U maybe in the trough now but next moment u r in peak already and vice versa. What 's more important is that when u r in peak or trough, praise Him with all ur heart!!

There is a time to weep (trough) and a time to laugh (peak), a time to mourn and a time to dance. While it is more fun to laugh than weep, who doesnt want laugh all the time?? But our God had made everything appropriate in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Whichever season you are in, His grace is sufficient for you!!
He has my best interest in His minds!!

The trough, darkness you go through is not the time for punishment or abandonment , but it's time for Him to work out the best in me, to build up the strongest me, to align me for greater advancement in His Kingdom!!

So dont ever give up in the mid ride!!
He promises us an exit.. He with the temptation will also make the way of escape that you might be able to bear it!!

Until He gets you out of it, He will get you through it! Your part is to stay in the roller coaster and scream and laugh together with Him along the ride..


mizluvl33 said...

pai gu po,

firstly, i want to say.. i felt really emo too yesterday, which was also the day before oral test! i felt like flying home haha!

2ndly, feel encouraged by the roller coaster thing..

and lastly, i finished my oral exams tooo! yay! but... don't know how i did as well. argh! yet i will praise Him! =)

see u tmr!

CCYY said...

hehe..i must agree with u that i found alot fo the cases given are not relevant to the questions asked le..i used up alot times to check the drug interactions in the cases at first le..haiz..