Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A prompt decision!!

I finally bought the air ticket back to msia!! Hehe..Good and Bad...

I was browsing thru air asia websites and to my surprise, the air tickets on 17 dec had gone down from 600 plus to 300!!! such a steal!! So after confirmation with dad, i came to conclusion to fly back on 17th. But my dad said that if i m pretty sure that i can pass e exam then he doesnt mind to pay extra $ for me to go back earlier. He wants me to go back earlier..awww...how sweet is my big daddy~~~~muacks...

And after reading the comments, i suddenly wan to hentam myself why i dont but 2nd dec and then change to 17th if i dont do well in the exam..haha..It's much easier to change from 2nd to 17 than from 17th to 2nd right?? Haha..as usual le..i m just being the usual blurr YY..haha..

Anyway, i m happy today as my practical just now went quite well..Distinction!! hehe.and my another dispensing test which i mentioned earlier had passed!!! The test which u have to pass in order to sit for final exam..okie!! One more month and i will be in HOLIDAYING mood again!!!!

Jia You YY!! and to everyone sitting for the finals too!!

Oh ya!! Congrats Alicia for u got the scholarship to jap!! I m so happy for u but at e same time sad as this means that i cant see u for a year my dearie..Never mind, we will treasure the quality time we have together after exam..Cant wait for the celebration after exam!!!


mizluvl33 said...

blur? 扮猪吃老虎 got la.. XD

maria, ur turn.. 一人一句, zat 她... =p

milkshake said...

YY 啊!if you are blur, then i am PD pt wa!

mizluvl33 said...

oh, how come u have same initial 'YY' as our dear TYY? haha!

CCYY said...

Phyllis lee!! hmmph..i will train up my abs and crush u in class!! hehe.
@ milkshake popo: u got PD plus dementia..haha