Saturday, October 3, 2009

Should i go back to msia earlier or later?? parents had been asking me to buy air ticket since aug but i m so indecisive that i dunno when i shud fly back le...There are pros and cons in either way and both sounds good to I m really in dilemma now....

Go back Earlier (ie 2nd dec)
  • Get to see my parents earlier and enjoy the good food!!
  • Get to meet my best buddies eg jean, xan , lineline..and they r begging me to come back earlier..
  • Shopping!! how i miss Kl shopping!!
  • To settle my china visa which costs onli RM 50 but $ 200 in aus..haiz..
  • Marcus , darren and some other ppl asking me to join them for a-week-roundtrip Malaysia
  • can attend AGM in Klang
  • Air ticket is much cheaper!

Go back Later (ie 17 dec)

  • If i ever need to take supp paper (cross fingers..) i can still take and dont hv to fly back here
  • terence n YQ organised some hiking trips which i think it is really cool
  • Get to work more and earn more of cos
  • Get to spend more time with alicia who is leaving soon to japan
  • More roadtrips, fishings etc with buddies here

Can someone gimme some opinions please..But i guess i will contineu to be indecisive until dunno when..maybe until my dad seriously forced me to buy ady..haha..

Oh always happens to u at e end of year...haha


Unknown said...

ok, my opinion is, 2nd dec, or even earlier, like 1st dec. The reasons are as below:
1)Even if you really need to take supp paper, you can change your flight, but pray that this will not happen.
2) Even if you work more and earn more, you will also tend to spend more if you stay back.

No need to think so much. If still can't make the decision, just toss coin.

danteoh said...

2nd dec! Cuz I want you to go for the AGM with me and a couple of others! :D

CCYY said...

haha.. Thank s guys for the comment..and before i get to see the comments, i already decided to..