Monday, October 26, 2009

My #1 Fear is on tomolo!!!

Practical exam is on tomorrow!! There is no turning back! This will be the first and last 3rd year practical for me!!

Dear Father, i need ur strength, encouragement, wisdom, love to go through this period. Without your help, tomolo is like mission impossible.. but i know you have my best interest at your heart and all i have to do is to have faith in you that this mission will be accomplished and i will have nil worries anymore..

I will come boldly to the throne of our gracious God and ask for ur help and guidance tomorrow!! Seek and you will find!!

All da best for all the ppl who are going thru with me at this critical period!! We all will graduate together end of net year, right mah?? We are the Wonder Five!! hehe..

Thanks to all the pretty angels for ur wishes, encouragements.
Thanks yingqi for ur email as it really encourages me alot!
Thanks to anonymous who gave me the super nice meal!! It satisfies my craving is heavenly tasty!!
Thanks to ah kor for the best nasi lemak i had!
Thanks chun chun for the message too! u grew up alot!!
Thanks rbc for helping with the groceries!
Thanks anna for the lil angel u gave me!
I almost wan to cry with all the lil things u guys done for me..i will stay strong my fren..

Together we will eb able to make it~~~

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