Saturday, August 1, 2009

Recipes to try this month!!

2ND Day of Home Alone!!!

Haha..i had never been home alone until these few days (hehe..i know u will say i m too pampered but who dont wan to be pampered??) These few days, i received so many msg and most of them are like: "Poor thing, they all left u and went to GC..u okie to stay alone?? need any help?"

Eh, do i really look so weak n helpless?? Ppl used to think that i m a vy dependent person and always being pampered like a princess.. but seriously i went thru some hard times which i think i am a tough gal le..hehe..(self praise..)Onli He knows!

But anyway i really appreciate all the concerns and companies which i had. Today had a nice breakfast n chat with alicia n then a yummy licious lunch in KAWASEMI with ying qi and alicia. We had lots of talk on relationships(hehe..gals talk..) Kawasemi is an authentic jap restaurant in Moonah which runs by a jap couple..It is the best jap restaurant u cna find in hobart and lunch today satisfies my cravings for japanese food!!

Okie shall back to my original topic!!

Saw these recipes and was really inspired to make these for my loved ones.. Hopefully can keep my promise and manage to make them in this far i made Okonomiyaki in connect night yesterday and i m pretty satisfied with the outcome.. even though doesnt look so nice compared to the picture..but considering this is 1st trial i give myself 8/10 !! Yeah!!

Okonomiyaki(This is from the recipe and mine wil be uploaded soon)

Spinach Souffle(anyone dare to try my testing??)

Egg Rolls

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