Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to Dearest Mummy!!

Yesterday was my super mummy's birthday!!
Since me n brothers came here to study we had not been having dinner together with her on this special day for years!! i really hope so much that we all can sit down together and sing her a simple Happy Birthday song. But she as the most generous mum doesnt mind this at all as long as we all are living well, healthy and happy always. Mum, I miss u sooo much!!!
I missed shopping with u who will never get tired waiting for me outside fitting room, who always be frank to me on the clothes we tried on...
I missed hiking with u in early morning and having brekkie together in the restaurant, sharing our food together..
I missed chatting with u about the boys stuff..haha
I missed applying make up on u before we went for relative's wedding.
I missed watching tvb or taiwan dramas with u
I missed listening to ur complains on how lousy the dramas, how evil are the mean gals in drama.
I missed listening to ur complains on how unromantic daddy can be..haha.
I missed seeing my favourite food on table the next morning after telling u how much i wished to eat that.
I missed how u drove me around just to get my favourite cloth or food
I missed the time where we drove around to send parcels to customers.
I missed everything about u mummy basically!!
I want to give my sincerest apologies for all the mistakes n quarells i had with u..i had been a rebellious gal but yet u forgave me on the next morning!! U will always be in my heart, and i pray that u will be the Happiest woman in the world!!
I love u mummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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