Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My 22nd Birthday!!!

Wow!! I m seriously sleep deprived now due to the series of events started from last thursday!!
First of all, Thanks God for placing the numerous angelic frens around me who never failed to warm my heart! U all can never understand how grateful i am to all the big n little stuffs u guys did. Also special thanks to my sweetest ever brothers for organising the "surprise" party, the bakers (Rebecca, jade, Eva) for the wonderfully made cakes, the lovely gifts; and all the people who came and celebrated this special day with me..and of cos the messages u guys drop for me!!
Aligato! Terima Kasih! Xie Xie! Thank You! I m loving it!!!

1st night celebration in lifesc theatre

I am havign hard time blowing off the candles..hehe

Green tea cake(left) and chocolate coffee cake(right)!!

The bakers behind..Muacks!!

Happy Family!!

Thanks guys!!!

2ND night celebration in Ball & Chain,

It is one of the best steak restaurant in Hobart i will say. Free flow salad buffet with affordable and yummylicious steak !! One of my favourite restaurant!!
Table 1

Table 2

Table 3


Stopping by bottleshop for some wines after dinner

We continue e party in Margaret st with Q&A sessions suggested by Jason which i have to describe all my frens with one word and each of them will describe me back with one word. Interesting! And guess what's next?? Ghost telling stories!! i cant remember who's idea is that..haha..A Birthday part with ghost telling sessions!!
At 12am, my 22nd birthday celebration officially ended with a toast with champagne.
Officially 22 year old now!! i feel old..hahaha

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