Sunday, June 21, 2009

Two more papers!!

Two more papers to go!! will be so good if these two papers are the easier much to cover and memorize and my brain got so little space to store.. i wan to reserve my brain space for happy memories and not to be covered by all these studies le..As my fren said, 1/3 of our life is already filled with studies, so dont stress out anymore as our lives got much more interesting things than studies..i do wan to agree with him but whenever exams come, this fact is always ignored.. as i feel very guilty if i dont study..i dont like the feeling which u look at the papers and knew nothing. i dont like the guessing feeling..i wan my things to be in control, to be under my control precisely..hehe..

Am i a very dominat and controlling person? Is this good or bad? Dunno since when i dont like the uncertainty. i dont like the unprepared feeling..i wish i can be a person who just followed..follow the emotion, what the heart wants. but as i get older, i dont like this. i like to decide the stuffs, i like to plan out things beforehands..But dont get me wrong..this doesnt mean that i m an organised person..i can be a very random person and do random stuffs at last minute..

haha..i also dunno wat am i writing..maybe i m too stressed out already..maybe i m too nervous for my these papers..

Emotions for today:

my fren asked me this ques and it strucked me alot. i answered no, how i wish my answer is YES. Dear heavenly father, why why why?? i wan YES YES YES..U know how much i wish to say YES but i cant..although i could have said yes anytime i want, but something in my heart asking me not to, something is holding me back!! why ya father?? do i think too much or worry too much?? i can just say yes but why i hesistate so much lah??? i wish it is not too late...Grant me wisdom my Lord..onli u can help me in this...and

Happy father's day to my heavenly and earthly dad!!! hehe..(i m random again..)


Unknown said...

Life is full of uncertainty. Even when you start working, not every cases that you face will have a definite answer. We as human prefer to have control over our surrounding, because we don't feel safe. Once we managed to trust our Maker, then we will not be afraid of the uncertainties in life, baceuse we know that HE is in charge.

Same for your exam, just do your part, and He will do His part. Just trust Him that He knows what is best for you. Surrender your life, exams and "decisions" to Him. Let us not block His way, but allow Him to work in our life.

Planning for life is good, but must always be aware that God can often have some radically different plan for us. Don't you think such a lifestyle is exciting?

Ok, study lah, after exam only think of less urgent matter. FOCUS...

CCYY said... come u will know my blog one?? so surprised to see ur comment here..hehe.anyway thanks for ur comment.very inspiring n encouraging le:)
it is very true that God will have a diff plan from our fact many occasions, His plam is totally diff from what i tot will happen..but i believe that He will not harm me but to prosper me.

Thanks chee again!! u got blog too??

Unknown said...

sure I know lah. You told me end of last year. Haiz.. you have poor memory, told people already also don't remember.

Glad to know that you still trust Him. OK lah, take care loh! Last exam tomorrow!! Keep on!!

By the way, I have no blog, don't have much to write.