Sunday, June 7, 2009

Thank You!!

I know i can never thank you enough for all the things u have blessed me with.. U r really such a huge blessing to me, even though it does nt guarantee anything. But u keep on giving, giving n giving, until i dunno how to bless you back. As i want to repay u and bless u back, u will bless me more in return.. I am scared that i will make ur expectations growing higher and higher..and how would u feel if one day i am very very far away from u... i dunno.. Dear Lord, help me in this.. i am confused.. even though i shudnt at this critical stage..Lord, u have plans for me and i know all these happen for a reason. i pray that i will understand the reasons behind all these and truly eb obedient to the plans u ahve for me.. Help me to blessed the person abundantly as i cant do it outwardly anymore..

That day was really sweet.. it is e smallest thought someone can ever think of but it just matters so much to a gal esp..we are created in God's beautiful image and gals are carrying the most gentle soul inside yet fragile too.. But u take care of this very well. The small deed is something a gal dreams of and me and other gals might not be even thought of that deed. But u did it!! U r really considerate and thoughtful..

but all these may not giving any returns.. so what should i do??? can u stop being so good..anyway Thanks alot!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Emm... Seem like your emotion is greatly stirred by this person. OK, just to say something, hopefully can clear up some of your worries, so that you can focus on your exam.

First, if he/she treated you well, he/she will not be looking or longing for something in return. So, you basically don't have the obligation to do something in return. God will bless him/her accordingly. For example, Jesus die for our sin, does He ask for something in return? Do our parents always looking for something in return when they bless us or provide our need?

Secondly, you can try distribute the blessings you get to others, if you find them too much. Just like when God loves us, He wish that we can always love others.

OK, this might sound unrelated, but just to give you something to free your mind from your "issue" till exam finish. He/She will definitely hope that you pass all your units, right? So, just put that aside for 3 more weeks.

by the way... who is that?? can let me know ahh? hehe:)