Saturday, June 13, 2009

All we need in exam is good FOOD!!


Thanks for blessing me with the good food during this stressful exam period! I am seriously very well fed by all these food and i must say that a warm meal sent to ur doorsteps in this chilling winter is the best u can ever get. Morever, the food is so nice n yummy that i couldnt help but to finish the whole lots..haha. I dont care about the weight gaining, all i want in this exam period is FOOD!!
OCF ideas of haivng Meals on wheels are really awesome and i m sure all the ppl blessed by the meals will appreciate it very much like me.. The food doesnt use expensive ingredients or fancy decorations, but the surprise n warmth brought by the food outweigh everything..

The Big feast cook by rebecca which consists of roast duck,mongolian beef, soya sauce chicken, vegie, chicken soup, hainan chicken, and spring rolls!! Rebecca overestimated our appetite and we only managed to finish all the dishes after two lunch and two dinners..hehe. Thanks rebecca for the good meals!!

The yummy roast duck !!

She even made a chocolate ice cream cake..our stomach bloated that night!!

First meal on wheels i got from anonymous: Hor Fun!! i never liked hor fun very much but this seriously changed my perpestive towards hor fun..It is that good!!! indescribable taste!! Cook by Yoong sing!! which consists of many squids, crabstickes, chicken n hor fun of course!!

Nasi Lemak cook by chee ming.., The sambal is yummy and i hope for more sambal!!
My super cravings!! sushi!! and this is really good even though photo doesnt look so..

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