Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One more Month!!

I have mentioned this many times but i must say again that Times really fly!!

I felt like CNY , easter camp, June exam, placements just happened recently..

And now, another month to be done with all uni exams!

Another month plus to travel with Wonder Four to New Zealand (Yaya, ur presence will make us more complete but i understood ur prob:) )

Two more months to start working as Intern.

Two more months to graduate together with Wonder Five!!

I am excited and eager for this moment but yet it will mean separation of Wonder 5 too! Jiena will go back to canada while i may end up in Launnie..

Oh well, this is life! Noone can stay with you forever except Him which made our God so special!!

So Wonder 5, lets have more outings together..I am sorry for not joining Tulip festival and Sydney trip due to 'you-know-it reasons'..


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