Saturday, June 19, 2010

Where should i go?

Recently Tasmania Hospitals' applications for intern pharmacists are opened and i had been cracking my head to write Resume, Cover Letters, thousand words essay for selection criteria and etc..

To be able to graduate is a super hard task!

and now to write a good remarkable essay is even harder!

I had been slacking alot this week with dinners and movies.. and so decided to sit down in my room on a nice saturday night to get started with all these..

And this brought me lots of questions:

Will i want to work in Tasmania if i ever get this job?

Do i work as community pharmacist because of the high pay and parent's expectations?

Or do i work as clinical pharmacist which i have interests in?

How about singapore application? Melbourne? Perth? Hobart?

To stay or to leave?

Too many questions..But only one answer which is Jesus!

He has my answers and so i pray to u eagerly, praying that u will show me a clearer indication for where i shud be heading to.. Reveal to me and i pray that i will be obedient in whichever places u planned for me.

Most importantly, i pray that i wil pass this semester smoothly before i can even think of where shud i go..

and yeah! Thank God for putting me in my ocf as my resume looks so much better and nicer with the activities i organsied in ocf..hehe..

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