Friday, June 4, 2010

Thank You for the God-sent Bubur Cha Cha!!

Yummmmmmm.... is the only word i can utter out right now..after the super SATISFYING taro and pumpkin bubur cha cha!!

Life feels so great right now!!

I am so recharged for the revision later!! Ommph!!!

Thanks God for being soooo lovely to me!! Before i finished uploading my previous food cravings' post and BLINK~~~~ I got a call from joyce that her mom-in-law made us bubur cha cha!!! I paused abit, thinking that i may be dreaming or what...

God! You r so efficient!!

Thanks joyce and mama for being soooo kind! my sis in law had it and couldn't stop praising it too!

Now i know why ppl always said" If u want ur husband to be loyal and faithful, u must firstly feed him well first!!" muahaha

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