Monday, June 21, 2010


Happy Father's Day to my superhero daddy!

I cant express how grateful i am to have you as the pillar of the house, counselor of my life, comforter when i am stressed, my "love Guru", my food supplier and etc..

You always buy us stuffs but refuses to buy one for urself.

You always know what we needs but we always insensitive to your need.

You always take good care of us when we fall sick but you hide it when u r sick.

You always worry that u didnt provide enough for us but we still not satisfied.

You always solve our problems but we are helpless when comes to ur prob.

You always have a smile when we leave msia but ur heart was actually stabbed with pain.

O Lord! I pray to u with my sincerest heart that You will protect my daddy from any harms, You will lead him to the greatest gift of all- SALVATION!

I long to see him and my family to come to You, bow to You and humbly address You as their King above all!!

After skyping with dad ytd, my bro said that i look like a star with my new blunt fringe. I was overjoyed initially but this lil bro is famous for his cheekiness, there must be something behind this compliment..

And yes, i really know my bro best!

Bro: eh, the gal in pic is the hair cut u want...the guy in pic is what u look like..
I: ..................
Bro: u know what? a little mushroom grew in mum's plants
I: then?
Bro: we named the mushroom Yin Yin..and i dont let mum to kill the mushroom.cos it reminds me of you.
I: .................

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