Saturday, December 4, 2010

My greatest regret:(

You're gone now:(

I can't hear ur sweet voice anymore..

I can't laugh at ur jokes anymore..

I can't see and touch ur beautiful face anymore..

You promised to go shopping with me when i m back..

You promised to do manicure with me during cny..

I still want to treat u good meal when i get my first pay..

Why? Why? Why?

You are the longest fren i ever knew..

We meet each other everyday since small..Remember the time you told me that i am the person u met the most and we meet each other more than our parents..

Rmb that time when you told me that you feel uncomfortable and lonely when i fell sick and couldn't attend tuition?

Rmb that time we shed tears when we have to study in different school..

Rmb that time when we pressed ppl's doorbell and ran as fast as we can?

Rmb that time when we learn badminton, swimming, dancing together?

Rmb that time when we camp together in the ugly hut and walk through the forest full of leeches? We were told by the commander that we are Charlie Angels cos we are the fittest among all..

I want you to be back!!! i seriously miss you so much...

It is my greatest regret that i couldn't hear ur voice, see ur last glance..In fact i am the last person in family to know that ur cancer had spread this far!!

I dont blame my family for not telling me this cos i know they dont wan to be this sad now..

But you know what, I want to knwo earlier!! It is sooooooo hard for me to accept this!
If only i know u started to be worse on wednesday, I will fly back!! I will be by ur side even though i can't do anything..But i can be there for u!!

I am sorrryyyy for not being there when u suffer the most! Forgive me! I am such a lousy fren!!

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