Monday, July 5, 2010

1st Day of Animal Hospital Placement~~~

Woo!! 1st day of vet placement is tiring yet so satisfying..

It was really an amazing and eye-opening's experience as i got to witness 2 de-sex surgeries of puppies; dental procedures; consultation with owners by the vet; inject medicines to a little puppy; hugging the animals when they were injected and etc.

The staffs were all very friendly to me esp the vet who taught me so much today! She even asked me some pharmacy questions and i was so glad that she said it was so useful to have pharmacy student around! She is sooo humble and i love her alot:)

Never knew that animal drugs are quite similar to humans' one except the dose are mostly based on weight. But of cos there were still some drugs which more common in animals eg. S-adenosylmethionine for arthritis or liver disease.

Btw, it is really expensive to keep a dog here as all the de-sex, vaccination, blood tests and medications can easily cost you few hundred to thousand dollars. I saw a few scripts today which were charged $800 and u can imagine how much the vet was paid ya..hehe

Also, it really needs lotsa effort and patience to keep them..esp in australia due to the strict regulations which i think is really good in protecting the animals..

One dog's owner came today and was crying as her little puppy hasn't been eating for 4 days and vomited for 3 continuous days and even worse, the puppy's abdominal was swelling..Plus she was worried over the surgery fees too..X Ray was done and puppy was admitted..Hopefully she will recover really soon and it will not cost a bomb to the owner.

A great day packed with lotsa knowledges and i definitely look forward to more new stuffs tomorrow!!

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