Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March is a popular bday month!!

Wonder Five: Is this Me to You Bear?? i got this when googling Hello Bear..haha

March is a special month as many of my pretty friends were born..So this post is specially dedicated to all the March babies..Love you all soooo much and thank God especially for bringing all these angels to my world!! I pray that u guys will stay joyful and pretty and blessed as u all are now:)

March babies: Shin yee, Zee Hame, Rebecca, Anna, Phyllis, Sook Ting

Only got to celebrate rebecca and phyllis's one as the rest are not in hobart.

I got a cake measuring equipments from Habitat for rebecca as i wan her to bake more cake for me...muahaha..jk le..but seriously she can bake good cakes~~~We threw her a surprise in York Street and as usual she didnt get it..hehe..blurr queen??

For phyllis that girl, i gave her many of my "first times"..haha..Dont get me wrong!! I plucked ppl's flowers, set up bbq by myself, and also kena lots of whipped cream during her bday..haha..But it was really fun!! Esp when seeing her being so touched by us and nearly wanted to cry..Hehe..

Bday is fun but not when u r counting ur age..So march babies, i wish u all forever 21!!


mae.rae.yah said...

Hahahaha seriously you really gave in so many of your first times! LOL

And excuse me, not this is not hello hello nor me-to-you bear la.

me-to-you bear are the grey ones with a sewn patch on the forehead. phyllis has plenty you should ask her to show u lol

CCYY said...

Haha..i sacrifice alot my first time leh..haha..This shows that i really dont like soft toys..and they all look the same to me..phyllis wil kill me if she knows tat i mixed up me to you bear with this unknown bear

mizluvl33 said...

HAhah this is NOT hello hello bear! Thanks for all your first times! However, i have enough of ur first times, i dun need more ya haha! keep them for other ppl like Maria, maybe ur first time throwing a bday party by urself haha!