Thursday, July 7, 2011

Please stand firm this time!

To be honest, i'm abit disappointed at it. I guess you and the rest feel this way too.

I have been praying to God for wisdom to solve this issue everyday.

I tried to analyse and come out with hundreds of reasons but maybe none of them is right.

Can you just be frank to us and let us know why did u do so? U know we are really worried about u.

Since it has already become a fact, i guess all i can do is take it easy and relax?

Hopefully tonight can be a good relaxing night for me. I need energy to work, study etc.

For whichever decision, u know support is always there:)

Please stand firm with ur decision this time and never be shaken again!

God knows my worries and sent angel to me just now:) I know i can sleep well tonight:)

Thanks Abba Father!!

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