Monday, March 28, 2011

Wei Wei:)

Happie Birthday!!

Sorry for this belated post but u know that i do remember ur birthday right? hehe.

One of the greatest thing to be thankful for in my uni life is Wonder 5! There are times that i ask myself why do i choose Tassie of all happening places, why i wan to leave the sweet home and stay in this icy cool place?

But God clearly shows me the reason to be here! Yes Wonder 5 is the reason!

In 2007, Wei wei, the tiny girl with the softest voice i ever heard had her path crossed with me..But dont ever estimate her orh even though she may look innocent and harmless:p

She can easily avoid those questions and shoot back the questions to us one arh.She can do zumba, aerobox, steps and etc..She have the charm to make the guys to wait for her in workplace too:p (dont kill me pls hehe)

Thanks wei wei for being such a blessing in my life. Really missed those time in lecture halls, in unigym, in sydney, New Zealand, ur hse.....

But oh well, i'm sure we will meet again as we will work tgt in perth or sg right?? hehe..Me and yaya will nag u till u come with us!!

Your favourite mochi in sydney!!


The burger which filled our stomach in NZ:)

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