Friday, January 7, 2011

I miss you sooo much Voon:(

The thought of going home in one week time is exciting until i realize that i am not going to see you in this jan:(

Within seconds, my tears started to drop and i feel awful now:(

Do you know that i dream of you ytd??

In the dream, I were accompanying you all the way. We were chatting happily and had the most fun time together..But all these only occurred in the dream:( The real fact is that i wasn't there at all, not even ur funeral!

Can i rewind the time back to when we had tuition together? the time we shopped tgt? the time when we went to camp together?

Tell me how shud i control feeling when i can only see ur black n white pic but not touching you?
How do i control my tears from falling when i go to ur cemetery?

I hope you are missing me in heaven too just as much as i miss you now:)

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