Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Touching the tip of nervousness!!!

Today after coming back from practical session, i suddenly had the sudden intense feeling that exam is very Near!!

Considering my 5 papers for this sem will be finishing off within 6 days in a row and at the first week of uni exam, i actually have one month time to prepare for it only..

With 2 assignments to pass up this fri, and 150 top medications to memorise, 20 OTC cases to remember, this week is going to be real hectic!!!

Oh Lord, i cant express how much burden i m carrying now..But i m sure u knew it all as u have the best knowledge of my heart.. I know it is hard to surrender totally but i will do it step by step!!

I pray for Your assurance, like how You gave to Gideon: The Lord is with you, O valiant warrior."
Father, You are with me and this is more than Enough!


アリシア said...

More than ever, Yin Yin, we'll keep you in prayer. Stay strong in Him, love!

I miss you. ;_; We'll catch up when your exams are over, or when you're free yea...

- Alicia

CCYY said...

I miss u too...miss the jogging with u, miss the grocery shopping with u, miss the lunch with u, argh...i m missing u lah alicia!!