Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pangkor Trip!!

Wow! Time really flies as i m back to the " no-yum land" for two days ady...Oh this heavy feeling really terrible..Not that i dislike tas but everything at home is just too convenient and i get so comfy with home even in this short 2 months time..hahaha..

But this feeling is not unfamiliar to me as i have experienced this for four yrs sincei first went to aus..And i know that i will be hippy n love everything in tas again in one week time..Women are unexpected like what the guys always right?? hehe..

This yr cny is really packed and nice and we all dont have proper rest time until today! which is good i will say! Catching up with relatives n frens are really sweet even though i lost some money in pokers..haha..

Okie..back to main one..Pangkor!

Pangkor, this small island contained lots of our childhood memories and so this trip shud be named as 'In search of Oldtimes'..

Lil bro cant wait any longer to try jet skiing.

Haha..they always made my day!!

Instructions be4 jet skiing

Swinging to future together:)

This is not so fun c.t jet skii due 2 slow speed

Stopping by the infamous shops be4 leaving

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